
Your confidence can slowly disappear when you are not feeling like yourself. One of the causes can be gaps created by missing teeth, as well as fake-looking, unstable, uncomfortable dentures. At Poldent, we aim to create solutions that will allow you to smile, as well as restore your confidence. If you are looking for dentures that will change your smile for the better, see what our Wakefield facility can offer you!

All of our patients are treated by qualified Clinical Dental Technicians who perform thorough oral examinations in order to ensure that you get dentures that are high-quality, comfortable and, most importantly, adjusted to meet your individual needs. We are also aware of the fact that your treatment plan needs to be made with direct input from a dentist. We are prepared to provide you with all the services under our roof in order to hasten the procedure and make the treatment more time-efficient. 

At Poldent Dental Care, you will be treated by our Clinical Dental Technician, Kristina Eriksone. She will not only carry out all the clinical stages of your treatment, but also manufacture the dentures at her laboratory, as she handles the entire procedure from start to finish. Carrying out the treatment this way has many advantages for patients, providing them with a lot of control regarding the outcome of the treatment. Kristina’s goal is to create dentures that will give you a natural-looking appearance, as well as providing all the necessary support for your lips and cheeks that will make you look years younger by correcting the collapsed appearance of your face and filling in the prominent wrinkles that result from the loss of teeth.




Partial dentures are used to fill in the gaps created by missing teeth. They can be made out of many materials, but one of the cheapest and most popular ones is acrylic. Don’t be fooled by the lower price, though –acrylic dentures are not the fake-looking, artificial teeth you might remember from decades ago. They are made with care and layers, giving them a convincing, natural look.


Cobalt chrome partial dentures are not only stronger than acrylic – they’re also much lighter to wear. The base of the dentures is made out of metal, but the artificial teeth are attached to the framework with acrylic. This allows the dentures to have a slimmer design and makes the base thinner and covers a much smaller area of your mouth. Your natural teeth provide the partial dentures with an extra grip – this can help prevent compressing and damaging your gums. While being lighter and stronger, the chrome cobalt partial dentures are consequently more expensive than acrylic partials.


Flexible dentures are the way to go for people who do not want a traditional denture or are not suitable candidates for implants. It is a perfect, effortless solution when replacing one or two missing teeth using light, small, flexible, natural-looking dentures.


A full denture replaces lost teeth in the upper or lower jaw, or both at the same time. They can be made out of acrylic or metal. The base of the denture is contoured to match your gums and provide you with the most natural look possible. The purpose of full dentures is mostly to restore basic functions, such as eating and speaking, which can be a huge problem when most of your teeth are missing. Their second function is improving your appearance.

At our Clinic in Wakefield, we offer the best solutions for your needs at very competitive rates. We have a qualified team of professionals who are not only experienced in their field, but also passionate about their job. Remember that you can ask our Dental Technician about all types of dentures and share any concerns you may have about your appearance, functionality of the dentures, problems with speaking, or the fear of the fake-teeth look. See how good you can feel about your smile today!



It’s more than a denture, it’s your smile.
Not all dentures are created equally. Whether you need a full or partial denture, you can have more than just a denture. With iDenture, you can have a smile so natural that no one will know you’re wearing a denture, and they’ll be so comfortable even you will forget. Ask our Clinical Dental Techniciqn about iDenture so you can wear your new smile with confidence!

Now is the time!
With an iDenture, we can do more than just replace your missing teeth. We’ll help you achieve the look and feel you deserve and get you back to doing everything you love!
  •     Make-over your smile
  •     Restore your confidence
  •     Enhance your appearance
  •     Proven, long-lasting durability 
Ask your Clinical Dental Technician Kristina Eriksone today about iDentures, the denture system that offers more options, better aesthetics, greater function and more confidence.
Your iDenture, your choice.




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